Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Silent e Printable Intervention Packet

Hi Everyone! I just wanted to do a quick post to let you know that my next set of Phonics Printable (but interactive) intervention packs is done! This can be used one on one, with a small RTI group, or as a guided reading warm-up. This one focuses on silent e.

Just like the other packs, I pick and choose the pages I need and put them together in a folder.

We go through the activities as needed. The pages increase in difficulty.

I also have short vowel and consonant blend printable intervention packs.

For more silent e reading passages, check out this pack with 36 story cards and reading passages:


  1. Can you give a little more detailed post of how to print and organize these as far as how your packs print out? Do they print out in order of how you should put them in your folder? I have purchased your other two packs, but not sure how to organize them in the folder.

  2. Sarah I love all the pics in this post. I can using some of these sheets for my rti group so thank you!! Rti is new to my school and I appreciate your work!!
