Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Little Butterfly Freebie

My friends and I at A Classy Collaboration are having a little blog hop today.

Thanks to Irene for planning this! If you are starting here, make sure you go back to her blog to see her fabulous freebie! 

We are all sharing some freebies today, so make sure you visit all of our blogs. I'm excited to share my little butterfly observation booklet with you today. I hope you can put it to use!

Have I mentioned how fun it is to have a 5 year old in the house? My son, Shawn, is at the perfect age to do so many fun things! I'm lucky because he absolutely loves to learn. He humors me too! About a week ago, our caterpillars came in the mail. I used to always get them for my first grade class. They were always such a huge hit, so I was excited to get them for Shawn. He is just downright pumped about it. I made him a little observation journal to go along with it. I wasn't sure if he would humor me on that one, but he actually asks me if it's time to do his "science journal". He takes it so seriously. It's pretty cute.

I printed off a few pages of this one since there are quite a few days where the caterpillars are growing, eating, and moving around in that cup. 

 These pages are for when you take the chrysalis out of the cup and into the big net cage thingy.

I added these pages for the back so kids could have a little word bank to help them along the way. These are words that they may want to use while recording observations.

I also included a little story to go with it. This is for our beginning readers (kindergarteners in spring). I'm definitely not a close reading expert, but I've been really trying to integrate it into everyone because I think it is wonderful for kids to practice. I tried to make the story simple, with basic sight words, repetitive sentences and key vocabulary and picture clues. 

Hop on over to Mrs. Wheeler's blog. You will find a fabulous freebie there waiting for you!

Make sure you stop at every blog to snatch up some freebies. 

You also could win a $50 gift card! Enter the Rafflecopter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway