Sunday, July 28, 2013

My first Sunday Smorgasbord

This is my first Sunday Smorgasbord. It really is random today!

First off, I have to brag about who I got to meet on Thursday. I had lunch with the sweet and adorable Kelley from Teacher Idea Factory! She is one of my favorite bloggers so I was pretty excited to meet up with her. I had the best time! We  chatted for about two hours  and I could've stayed for two more. If you don't already follow her blog, you MUST go visit her right now. She has great ideas, fabulous units, and best of all, she is hilarious. You know how we're always trying to teach our kids to write with "voice"? She's got it! My favorite blogs are usually the ones where you can just "hear" someone's personality coming out in each post. That's definitely Kelley. She's even cooler in person, which is saying A LOT!

One of my favorite things about summer is ice cream. Yum. I can go months without ice cream... but not during summertime. Clearly my kids feel the same way. We were getting away with not getting our little man his own cone. Not anymore! (Don't worry, we didn't let him eat that ginormous scoop by himself.)  

Big Brother is helping him out.

My husband and I celebrated our anniversary. I'm pretty much the luckiest girl ever...

Not the best shot around, but I had to share. Do you all remember the slip-n-slide? SO. MUCH. FUN! My husband was convinced we needed one. He was right. Truly he and I used it way more than our kids. Here's a tip: Don't wear sun glasses on the slip-n-slide. You can see here how they are very close to flying off... If you are hot, bored, and looking for something to do, you should go buy yourself a big ol' slipnslide. Won't regret it. 

I have two new units coming along:

This is a small pack of activities for first graders going back to school. 

 And this pack is a long story. Well, not really long but there is a short story. I made this pack (mostly) at the end of the school year. I could not get my act together to finish it though! I kept getting distracted by other projects, emails, posts, you name it! It just didn't get done. So I was going to just hold on to it until next year. But then I realized it could be used for the beginning of second grade too. It's perfect for the end of first or beginning of second. So... I decided to finish it up. I just need to get it edited and it'll be ready to go!


I have a sweet bloggy buddy editing my Back to School pack. Anyone out there want to edit this one? It's a big one... 


  1. Hot dog!! I have stared school and NEED these!! Can't wait!

  2. I will love the opportunity to edit for you.
    Thanks in advance


  3. I would love to assist if needed still. ;).

  4. I can edit also!

  5. I would love to edit it for you!

  6. I would love to help you edit!

  7. Looks like you have lots of helpers to edit but if you need another one I'd be happy to help. :o)

    A is for Apple B is for Blog

  8. Ooh- I am so excited you are getting something together for the beginning of the year. I LOVE your things!!!!! Crickett
    (I know you have plenty to edit, but anytime you need someone I would be happy to help!

  9. Wow...This is what i have been looking for and you have done a great job. Beautiful cards.

  10. When will your Back to Business set be available!!?? EXCITED. :)

  11. Cute blog! I am your newest follower!
