Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Weekly Behavior sheet

I recently started using this weekly behavior sheet.

I send it home every Friday. I realized that I needed to be very specific about what behaviors I was seeing in class. These are the main ones that my students needed to work on. Parents really appreciate the communication and have a clear idea of how their child is in class. If there is an issue that arrises that is not on this sheet, I simply write a note on the back.

I also made a daily sheet for my students whose parents need daily communication. I have two students using a daily sheet this year because they are really working on improving their work traits and behavior. I usually add little notes on the back if I need to be more specific.


  1. Thanks for sharing. I am going to start using this. My class needs a report!

  2. This is sooooo fabulous! The one I'm currently using is a monthly report and I really like the idea of having a weekly report with the behavior goals :) Thanks so much for sharing! Have a great night!

    Lisa :)
    Made In The Shade In Second Grade

  3. Your behavior check sheet is wonderful! I'm going to use it on a few of my friends who are trying to push some buttons lately! :)
    Thanks for sharing!
    A Pirates Life for Us

  4. I love your behavior report. Do you require parents to sign and return it? Do you keep a record of your progress reports? If so, how?


  5. I really like your behavior sheets. I teach a special education class and send home a daily communication sheet but have been looking for a more customized style for some of my students that attend more inclusion time. Thanks for sharing!

